Mission Statement
The Forget Me Not Family Society was formed for education, consultation, peer counseling and to offer support to all those touched by adoption.
Support Groups
The FMNFS holds three support groups a month, for adoptees, birth/natural mothers, adoptive parents and those in a supportive role.
New Westminster: We meet the third Tuesday of each month at the New Westminster Public Library, 716-6th Avenue, New Westminster, BC, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Cloverdale: This meeting will now be the second Thursday of the month, and run year long except for the months of July and August. It is held at the public library in Cloverdale, 5642 – 176 A Street, 2nd floor, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Kamloops: For location and times please contact Bernadette Rymer bjrymer@telus.net or 1-250-453-2360.
These meetings are open to adoptees, birth/natural parents and adoptive parents. Those in a supportive role are also welcome to attend. For more information please contact us or call Marnie Tetz 604-862-4434.
Support Forget Me Not Family Society With CanadaHelps.org
- Is a not-for-profit charity portal and a registered public foundation.
- Operates a website that allows donors to make online credit card donations to approximately 80,000 registered charities in Canada.
- Issues an electronic tax receipt emailed to the donor.
Click here to donate to the Forget Me Not Family Society via CanadaHelps
* Federally Registered Charity Number 88908-4869-RR0001.