Our Mission

The Forget Me Not Family Society was formed for education, consultation, peer counselling and to offer support to all those who are impacted by adoption. We are a provincially registered, not-for-profit society in British Columbia, Canada and a federally registered charity, (88908-4869-RR0001) run by a dedicated group of volunteers in the Metro Vancouver area and the Interior of B.C.

What We Offer ~ An Adoption Reunion Support Network

The separation caused by an adoption has life-long effects on both mother and child, as well as adoptive parents and other family members. Experience shows that at various times in life, the issues and concerns of adoption need to be addressed. We provide our members with opportunities to gain further understanding of adoption issues through:

  • Monthly support groups at various locations in British Columbia, Canada (see tab for Outreach events)
  • Workshops on adoption issues
  • Education forums and panel presentations to a variety of interest groups on pre- and post-adoption issues
  • Individual peer support
  • Referrals to professionals and other service groups
  • Resource library

Our Purpose

  • To establish and operate a Post Adoption Resource Centre providing education, consultation, counseling and support to those touched by adoption: adoptees, birthparents, adoptive parents, and concerned professionals.
  • To provide community education programs, panel presentations and workshops on post adoption issues for any members of the community who wish to learn more about adoption and reunion issues.
  • To encourage and develop a recognition of the benefits of family preservation and openness in adoption practice.


The Society was instrumental in changing the legislation to open adoption records in British Columbia, Canada. In October 1991 the BC Adoption Act was amended to provide for an Active Adoption Reunion Service

The Forget Me Not Family Society (originally Missing Pieces Thru Adoption Society) began with two birthmothers (Donna Doogan and Marge Beddington) talking over tea at a kitchen table. The first president was Alison Anderson, then Kathryn Vea, Sandi Blackie, Cecelia Reekie, Nancy Kato, and now Marnie Tetz. 

Adoption Circles newsletter was started by Millie Strom in 1991 and Adoption Circles Magazine was registered as a business in British Columbia on July 6, 1993. Missing Pieces Thru Loss Society was incorporated as a not-for-profit Society in January 1992. The name was changed to Forget Me Not Family Society in June 1992 and became a federally registered charity in November 1992. Support groups have been ongoing since the early days and the Society has offered annual workshops on adoption search and reunion issues since 2006.

FMNFS Logo Designed by Harry Walters